Friday, December 26, 2014

Endgame, the calling - How many players ? Where do they come from ?

Hi all, the end of year is coming. The endgame hunt begun nearly 3 months ago, it's time to publish some statistics I gathered thanks to you.

How many endgame players

At first, don't forget it comes from that humble blog, which is far from gathering all players.
But anyway, for what it worths, around 1 300 unique visitors connected it since the calling. It gives an idea...

You can also have an idea of the number of players by adding a ~ to the url that lead you to the stone page... it's pretty interesting !!!

Where do endgame players come from

Here is the big surprise, at least for me. As of today, players from more than 50 different countries visited that blog. 54 exactly...

endgame players map
Players map

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Endgame puzzles - Keplerfuturistics still in progress


keplerfuturistics -

Endgame - poll results

Here is the results of the poll as of today, 42 answers for now. I hope it's clear enough, don't hesitate to comment if it's not, I'll find a new way to show it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Endgame the calling - Poll Summary 2014-12-09

12 players (only :-) )have filled the form for now, here are the first results.

3 players out of 12 seems to have finished all the phase 1 puzzles, I don't doubt it's possible, but it's also possible that some of them fill the form for kidding.

It would be good to know if someone solve them all for sure, so if it's the case, and you want to make it "public", please send me an anonymous email with an anonymous picture. I will let my readers know it. thanks in advance.

What we learn on the other side, is that the difficulty is gradually increasing, and that it's nearly the same for all of us.

Thank you for filling the form, I hope to have more data to share about the global progress of the game soon.

Good luck !!!